The Greatest Saturday Night time Reside Characters of All Time « $60 Miracle Money Maker

The Greatest Saturday Night time Reside Characters of All Time

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Like every revolutionary comedy series, Saturday Night Live thrives on the strength of several overarching characteristics. These include the performances of its changing cast members, the entertainment value of certain recurring segments, and the unforgettable quality of the greatest Saturday Night Live characters.

Over the years, the show’s cast has introduced dozens upon dozens of Saturday Night Live characters to the small screen, from wispy-voiced deviant news correspondents to avid rock-and-roll enthusiasts. More often than not, these characters appear as the brainchild of SNL’s most notable players, catering to their greatest sensibilities as performers, from their distinct body language to their unique vocal impersonations.


Stefon by Bill Hader
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

A person so strange, so complex, so idiosyncratic, SNL went out of their way to construct its own elaborate backstory surrounding the character. Stefon also ranks as one of the most original Saturday Night Live characters of all time.

The end product of John Mulaney, Bill Hader, and Seth Meyerscreative efforts, thisWeekend Updatecorrespondent stupefied audiences with his hushed news stories, rhapsodizing on some of the hottest new night clubs in New York. From his flirtatious rapport with Meyers to Hader’s complete inability to recite his lines with a straight face, audiences fell in love with this trashcan-dwelling hipster every time he appeared on-screen.

Wayne Campbell

Wayne Campbell SNL
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

The host of the regional talk showWayne’s World,” Wayne Campbell broadcast his program “live” from the comfort of his parent’s basement. A diehard metalhead who refuses to grow up, get a job, or even move out of his family’s home, Wayne introduced a modicum of trendy slang terms that found a place in larger pop culture, from “schwing” and “party on” to “extreme close-up.”

In spite of his unwavering immaturity, Wayne’s agreeable personality and pop culture savviness made him seem less a character and more like a laidback acquaintance from high school everyone loved reuniting with.

Matt Foley

Matt Foley by Chris Farley
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

Making his debut in a now-fabled 1993 skit, Matt Foley will forever live on as the most iconic character ever portrayed by the late, great Chris Farley, even considering Farley’s later work on Tommy Boy.

Created by future Emmy winner Bob Odenkirk, Foley appears as a high-strung motivational speaker whose fiery attitude has the exact opposite effect of motivating his prospective clients. Leaving his audiences more confused than enthralled, Foley’s unpredictable actions and booming voice made anything and everything seem possible whenever Farley appeared on stage.

Church Lady

The Church Lady by Dana Carvey
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

The 1990s served as a treasure trove of recurring Saturday Night Live characters, from dedicated rockers like Wayne and Garth to smug religious fanatics like Enid Strict (better known to history as “The Church Lady”).

Drawing on Dana Carvey’s seamless range of impersonations, Church Lady invited guests onto her talk show, “Church Chat,” for what seemed like a carefully-orchestrated public attack on their character. Rather than shying away from scandalous news stories surrounding SNL hosts, the Church Lady addressed said issues head-on, often leading to some humorous verbal sparring matches between herself and her guest speakers.

Mr. Robinson

Mr. Robinson by Eddie Murphy
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

A twisted and topical satire of beloved children’s show host Mr. Rogers, Mr. Robinson hosted his own informational program on PBS under the titleMr. Robinson’s Neighborhood.

Inviting viewers into his crime-riddled inner-city domicile, Mr. Robinson’s cheerful attitude often clashed with the downbeat lessons he espoused on his show. Struggling to make ends meet (and often resorting to crime in order to do so), Robinson’s cynical view of the government, the economy, and human nature offered a darker, often hilarious reflection of the 1980s sociopolitical climate.


Sprockets Talk Show - Mike Myers as Dieter
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

Yet another fully-formed character created and portrayed by Mike Myers, Dieter hosted the regular SNL talk show segment, “Sprockets.A deft parody of numerous German stereotypes, Dieter’s philosophical approach to the show seemed to make him the worst host imaginable.

Paying little to any attention to his guests, this spider monkey-owning West German nihilist seemed more interested in discussing new trends in the underground artistic community, including experimental new films and pretentious avant-garde poems.

Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

Phil Hartman as Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

One has reason to wonder whether Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer would have same achieved the level of popularity without the benefit of Phil Hartman. As one of the most gifted SNL cast members in the show’s history, Hartman demonstrated unwavering commitment to each of his roles–something best spotted with Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer.

Rather than doubling down on his Neanderthal origins, Hartman portrayed the character as a professional lawyer who just happened to originate from prehistoric Earth. As a result, Hartman proved able to elicit maximum absurdity from the character’s presentation.

Roseanne Roseannadanna

Gilda Radner as Roseanne on Weekend Update SNL
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

One of the original correspondents featured onWeekend Update,” Roseanne Roseannadanna had a set of quirks and stranger characteristics that rivaled her later counterpart in Stefon.

Often making a strong start in her news stories, it never seemed long before Roseanne devolved into a trivial personal story unrelated to the topic at hand, including chance meetings with celebrities and tirades against New Jersey. Gilda Radner’s performance as the character proved so popular, Roseanne even went on to make an appearance in Radner’s one-woman shows after her departure from SNL in the late ‘70s.

The Samurai

John Belushi as The Samurai
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

One of the earliest recurring characters in SNL history, John Belushi’s limitless reserve of energy made him an ideal fit for a character like the famed SNL Samurai. As his name might suggest, the Samurai appears as a stereotypical warrior from feudal Japan.

Transposed to the contemporary U.S., the character worked a multitude of everyday jobs, including (but not limited to) short-lived stints as a stockbroker, a deli shop owner, a therapist, and a TV repairman. Carrying out each of his professional duties with a bellowing war cry, the Samurai made for a delightful addition to SNL’s growing lineup of characters back in the late ‘70s.

Debbie Downer

Saturday Night Live - Debbie Downer Disney World
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

Everyone has a Debbie Downer in his life–a person who goes out of his way to highlight the negative about every situation. Taking that basic concept and stretching it to its fullest, Rachel Dratch’s Debbie Downer could take the fun out of anything, ruining such otherwise perfect events as a trip to Disney, a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, or a bachelorette party in Las Vegas.

A humorous buzzkill, Debbie’s unapologetic negativity allowed for plenty of laugh-out-loud funny moments from one sketch to the next.

Nick the Lounge Singer

Bill Murray as Nick the Lounge Singer
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

Few characters possess the levels of enthusiasm as Bill Murray’s overly-dedicated Nick the Lounge Singer. Despite the non-glamorous settings of his musical venues, Nick gave it his all with each of his performances, serenading dive bars, airport lounges, and prisons with the same dedication as an artist headlining a sold-out concert.

Perhaps the most successful character Murray ever portrayed on SNL, the man even provided his own ambitious refrain of the Star Wars theme song (Star Wars/Nothing but Star Wars/Give me those Star Wars/Don’t let them end!).

Jake Blues

The Blues Brothers by Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

A proficient dancer and slapstick performer, Jake Blues allowed John Belushi to show off his imminent physicality as a comedian. One-half of the famed Blues Brothers, “Joliet” Jake became known for his soulful vocal performances and innovative dance maneuvers.

Electrifying audiences with his jazzy musical numbers, few performers could pull off the patented suit, fedora, and sunglasses of Jake Blues quite as well as Belushi.


Eddie Murphy as Gumby
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

Yet another breakout character for Eddie Murphy who helped propel the young comedian into SNL’s mainstay attraction, Gumby acted as a direct spoof of the lovable clay cartoon of the same name.

Parodying conventions surrounding the duplicity of certain celebrities, whereas Gumby appeared as a kind-hearted and childlike character on-screen, Murphy’s version of Gumby terrorized his fellow cast members with his cantankerous, domineering attitude. An egocentric bully who prided himself on his clear star power, Gumby could elicit thunderous laughter through his argumentative personality alone–along with his repeated catchphrase: “I’m Gumby, d-mn it!” whenever things fail to go his way.

Beldar Conehead

Dan Aykroyd as Beldar Conehead
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

The patriarch of the Conehead family, Beldar Conehead (along with his wife, Prymaat, and daughter, Connie) appears as an extraterrestrial stranded on Earth.

Known for his conical head shape, unflattering wardrobe, and high-pitched, unnatural speaking voice, most of the comedy rooted around Beldar involves his less-than-successful attempts to assimilate into human culture. Making up ridiculous lies regarding his job (driving instructor) and native origins (France), Beldar set the standard for over-the-top portrayals of alien creatures for decades to come.

David S. Pumpkins

Saturday Night Live - Haunted Elevator
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

An unexpected sensation upon his debut in 2016, David S. Pumpkins has become one of SNL’s biggest breakout characters in recent years. On paper, the idea of a Halloween mascot dancing around with pumpkin-patterned suits and back-up skeletons shouldn’t work.

Yet between Tom Hanks’ enthusiastic dedication to the role and the nonsensical nature of the entire sketch he appears in, David S. Pumpkins has captured the attention of almost every SNL fan in the audience.

Mary Katherine Gallagher

Molly Shannon as Mary Katherine Gallagher
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

One of the most notable female characters of 1990s-era Saturday Night Live, Mary Katherine Gallagher (Molly Shannon) appeared as the eccentric personification of a meek Catholic school girl.

An odd young woman whose personality, motivations, and worldview seemed a complete mystery, Mary Katherine came characterized by her abundant contradictions. Shy and combative, insecure and narcissistic, dialed-back and yet prone to fits of intense anger, Mary delighted–and terrified–viewers with her complete lack of adequate social skills and incessant need to fit in.

Mr. Bill

Mr. Bill
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

Poor, poor Mr. Bill. The long-suffering star of a recurring sketch series, Mr. Bill met with a disturbing demise in almost every SNL episode he appeared in.

An anthropomorphic clay figurine, Mr. Bill possessed the unique ability to feel any pain inflicted on him (something that occurred every time he appeared on-screen). Meeting abuse, dismemberment, and painful death on a regular basis, Mr. Bill’s pitiful cries for help may have made audience members feel guilty for laughing at his pain–but laugh, they did.


Will Forte as MacGruber
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

A spoof of ‘80s action series MacGyver, Will Forte’s inept special agent acted as the complete opposite of the industrious super spy in every way possible. Known for his repeated failures to defuse ticking time bombs before their inevitable combustion, MacGruber also proves himself susceptible to recurring distractions in his personal life.

From anguishing over his plummeting financial investments to contending with workplace gossip, MacGruber’s ability to balloon the most ordinary issues into literal matters of life and death knew no bounds.

Opera Man

Adam Sandler as Opera Man
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

A role tailor-made for Adam Sandler’s quirkier sensibilities as a comedian, Opera Man relied on meticulous presentation above all else. Rolling out to theWeekend Updatedesk with his crimson-black cape and velvety long hair, Opera Man became a go-to fixture on Saturday Night Live throughout most of Sandler’s tenure on the show.

Waving his white handkerchief around and serenading viewers in his mock-Italian accent, Opera Man could make even the most mundane news stories seem laugh-out-loud funny through his musical performances.

Drunk Uncle

Drunk Uncle by Bobby Moynihan
Image Credit: Saturday Night Live Official Channel.

A regular contributor toWeekend Update,” Drunk Uncle seemed like the kind of uncle everyone dreaded speaking with at a family get-together. Soused out of his mind with his fair share of spirited libations, Drunk Uncle launched himself into alcohol-fueled tirades with the least bit of prodding, his speeches often devolving into pure drunken gibberish.

Relatable and hilarious at once, Drunk Uncle’s slurred rants made for a welcome addition toWeekend Update’s rogues’ gallery of special guest speakers.

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