S Questions to Declutter Your Closet « $60 Miracle Money Maker

S Questions to Declutter Your Closet

Posted On Aug 16, 2019 By admin With Comments Off on S Questions to Declutter Your Closet

Are you looking forward to gratuities on how to declutter your closet? If so, you’re emphatically not alone!

I’ve been a minimalist for nearly a decade and during that time, I’ve had countless conversations with women about their attire struggles.

Time and time again, you’ve told me how much you want to declutter–but for some reason, you just can’t let go.

If this sounds familiar, don’t feel bad! I’ve been there too and the truth is it made me several years to go from deciding to declutter my closet to actually making any progress.

It made a lot of trial and error but eventually, I got there–and you can too!

To help you get started, I’ve put together a list of questions to help you declutter your wardrobe. I hope these will engender you to take a deeper look at your relationship with your clothes and also empower you to take action.


Before we get started–did you know that I’m a recovering shopaholic turned minimalist? At one stagecoach, I turned my part guest bedroom into a closet and I owned over a hundred pairs of shoes.

If you’re curious to see how things have changed, then check out this video for a behind the scenes tour of my current minimalist closet!


Now on to the main event–but first, a few cases utterances of advice.

As you read through this list, I most recommend that you work through some of these questions in a journal.

I know this might feel strange but cartel me, the biggest hurdle you’ll face while decluttering your closet is your mind.

You might not realise it more but I can roughly guarantee that there’s a lot of emotional baggage hidden in the back of your closet( along with those unworn cocktail dresses !).

Taking the time to do the footing first will make a huge difference because when you have the right mindset it’s so much easier to follow through with intentional action.

Let’s get started–here are seven questions to declutter your wardrobe.


Do you have anything in your closet that you “love” but you never wear?

If so, the problem might be that you don’t really love your item after all. Instead, you tell yourself that you love it because you don’t want to face the real truth: you made a mistake by buying it.

( This isn’t to say that you’re intentionally lying to yourself! But I’ve learned that often goes, we tell ourselves artistic tales to protect us from difficult feelings .)

A simple way to measure this theory is to ask,” Would I buy this item again ?” … and if the answer is ” no”, then it’s time to let go.


Every time I’ve decluttered my wardrobe, I’ve come across a selection of clothing that I never wear–simply because I’m not willing to care for it properly.

For me, this includes anything 😛 TAGEND

baked clean onlythat requires side washingthat needs to be ironedtoo tender( out of fear I’ll damage it)

Everyone’s patience is different but personally, I known better if it requires too much maintenance, then I’m not going to wear it.( Or I’ll wear it formerly and then it will sit in my laundry basket for months !)

Ask yourself the same question–what is your tolerance for maintenance? If you know you’re not willing to care for something, then consider guide it on to someone who will.


As a former shopaholic, I’ve learned a Fortune over the years about why we shop–and the truth is, it’s rarely for the same reasons we anticipate.

Usually, it’s not because we need something better. Instead, it’s often a reaction to fear or insecurity.

Maybe you’re feeling down because you don’t pay as much as a colleague or perhaps you’re feeling diminished because someone criticised a project you’re working on.

I’ve suffered both of these feelings and here’s how I answered 😛 TAGEND

I bought an expensive handbag because it’s what I imagined a wealthy dame would do.I bought brand-new stiletto heels because, in my mind, I accompanied high heels with power.

Of course, I wasn’t this self-aware at the time!

It’s only in retrospect that I see how I utilized my garment as a mask–to give myself a mistaken confidence increase whenever I felt bad about myself.

Accepting this isn’t easy but until you acknowledge it, your component will ever have ability over you. I struggled to let go of those stilettos( although there is I never wore them) because subconsciously, making go required countenance vanish of my power.

One way to move forward is to reflect on what you were thinking when you stirred the buy: did you buy it for yourself or saw you more interested in how others would suppose you wearing it?


OK, I know this one chimes obvious but you’d be surprised how often people want to avoid asking this question! When you’re decluttering your wardrobe, one of the most important questions to ask is,” Does this fit ?”

A few things to keep in mind 😛 TAGEND

First, remember that fit is not just about length. I can buy a pair of jeans in my size that technically “fit” — the waist and hip evaluations are correct–but they might sag at the knees or be a little tight in the things.

These type of fit questions are often less to do with your heavines and more to do with the clothe intend. Remember, we are all so different! If something doesn’t fit in the way you are willing to, regardless of what it says on the label, it’s OK to let go.

When your clothes are too big or too small … examine, I’m a realist. I’m not rich so if I stopped matching into my favourite jeans, I wouldn’t automatically toss them out! Instead, I’d keep them for a while because my person size is often used to fluctuate a lot( I think this is true for most people ). You’re not a” bad minimalist” if you decide to hang on to some things.

Having said that, make sure you’re not stay things that are outdated , not really your form, or that you never wore in the first place–just because you’re maudlin about the width!

Finally, remember that there is often a mental overhead associated with keeping clothes that don’t match. If the authorities have attires hanging in your closet that you can’t be incorporated into, how does that impel “youre feeling”?

If your unworn robing originates you question your self-worth or arouses negative self-talk, then is it really worth protection? Don’t be afraid to let go of anything that starts you think less of yourself( this disappears everything–not just your outfit !).


This is another simple question that will help you declutter your closet. For anything that you’re not absolutely convinced continuing, write off the openings when it would be appropriate to wear.

Here are some examples 😛 TAGEND

to the officewhile racing errandsFriday night drinksto yoga classwhile going for a walkto a formal episode

Then when you’re done, look at your list and compare it to your actual life.

For example, when I decluttered my wardrobe I realised I had a lot of formal dresses and shoes–the kind of thing you’d wear upon on a Friday night for sips and dancing.

There’s nothing bad with this … except that I’m the type that promotes my wine-coloured at home, on the sofa, while watching Netflix.

I adored my beautiful gowns and shoes but ultimately, I had bought for the lifestyle I envisioned I craved( sometimes referred to as my” fantasy self “) instead of for the living standards I actually had.


This is a really common problem–we prevent things we don’t wear out of guilt because of all the money we’ve squandered.

I know this feeling only too well because my store craving unquestionably expenditure me tens of thousands over the years! And even now, if I think about it too much, I get an watchful quarry in my stomach.

If you feel it more, then I know how inviting it is to give up on decluttering and to simply close your closet door instead. It’s not pleasant to face these feelings head-on.

But here’s the thing: years of experience have schooled me that the longer you wait, the worse it gets. You are much better off challenging it and here is my top tip to help 😛 TAGEND

Think of the money as an investment in yourself–in your education and your wellbeing. You realized blunders in the past , now learn from them. Give yourself the gift of forgiveness and move on.

If you want more gratuities on how solved with common decluttering challenges such as this one, then I invite you to download a facsimile of Mindful Decluttering exerting the formation below.

Mindful Decluttering is a free steer and workbook where I share step-by-step exactly how I decluttered my house and life. You’ll also be subscribed to my weekly newsletter, where I share personal tales and suggestion about simple and purposeful living.


Here’s a final wardrobe decluttering tip for you: try on your invests and then ask yourself how you feel–both physically AND emotionally.

First of all, are you comfortable? Can you sit down, deflect over, and reach for something on a tall shelf? If not, what is your tolerance for uneasines?

There’s no right or wrong answer. Some parties are willing to sacrifice comfort for manner and others aren’t–and it’s not my residence to evaluate your hand-pickeds. Nonetheless, you need to be honest with yourself.( And personally, as I’ve gotten older, my tolerance for ache is essentially zero!)

Equally important, how do you feel emotionally in your drapes? I genuinely believe that what we choose to wear can have a huge impact on how we feel.( I know this isn’t the case for everyone and I wish I felt more detached from wardrobe–but regardless, I think it’s true for most people .)

For me, I know there are certain things in my wardrobe I wear often because when I wear them, I feel like the best version of myself.

Aim to crowd your wardrobe with items like this and let go of anything that does “youre feeling” disagreeable in your own skin.


Looking for more gratuities on how to declutter your closet? Check out this berth for a detailed, step-by-step guide to decluttering your wardrobe. I take a slightly different approach to what you may have heard before and this is some of the feedback I’ve received 😛 TAGEND

I’ve been sorting through my garb hoard on and off for a year and have been required to read dozens of articles giving advice on how to do it successfully. I’ve made a bit of progress but still have too much stuff.

I tried Marie Kondo’s method but it left me feeling even more devastated because I couldn’t distinguish between’ pleasure’ and’ donate’ items by this moment!

On discovering your website, and including with regard to, the berth on creating a simple wardrobe, I’ve had a lightbulb moment. I was in despair for so long and your writing has helped me to see things clearly again. Thank you!

I know that decluttering your closet can be challenging but I promise you that it’s worth constituting international efforts.

There is something so sanctioning about taking owned of your closet and in truth, it’s often the first step towards living a more purposeful life.

If you noticed these questions and resources helpful, I’d love to hear about it! Alternatively, do you have any gratuities for decluttering your closet? Let me know in the comments! x

The post 7 Questions to Declutter Your Closet materialized first on Simply+ Fiercely.

Read more: simplyfiercely.com

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