24 Weird Pop Tradition Moments We All Forgot About « $60 Miracle Money Maker

24 Weird Pop Tradition Moments We All Forgot About

Posted On Mar 13, 2024 By admin With Comments Off on 24 Weird Pop Tradition Moments We All Forgot About

It’s no secret that Hollywood cultivates a culture that thrives on drama, acting out, and overall being weird. With major events happening across the world, the 24-hour news cycle is packed with stories about things more important than what strange thing everyone’s favorite A-list celebrity is doing now. 

These are a few of our favorite bizarre pop-culture moments from the last few years. 

Orlando Bloom Punched Justin Bieber 

Orlando Bloom
Image Credit: Amazon Studios,Julie Vrabelová.

In 2014, Orlando Bloom got into an altercation with Justin Bieber. While the aftermath of the missed swing was caught on camera, the actual punch was not. Supposedly, this was all over Miranda Kerr and Selena Gomez.

According to TMZ, Bieber and Bloom traded comments about the women, both of whom had been connected to the men in the past. Back in 2012, Bieber spent some time with Kerr, Bloom’s then-wife. But at the time of the altercation, Bloom had been rumored to be spending time with Gomez, Bieber’s ex. 

While this may seem like a silly fight, it’s odd that we all forgot such a violent moment in the world of Hollywood. Will Smith slapping Chris Rock will go down in infamy, but this physical altercation is all but forgotten.

Demi Lovato’s Feud With a Froyo Company 

Demi Lovato
Image Credit: lev radin/Shutterstock.

Demi has been surrounded by her fair share of drama and gossip, often surrounding her struggles with addiction, mental health, and her identity. But this one is trivial. It almost feels like Demi was looking for a soapbox to stand on so she could get some positive support, but it completely backfired.

She posted a hateful Instagram shaming the froyo brand The Bigg Chill for stocking sugar-free and low-calorie product options, which she said drove harmful diet cultures. Demi neglected to consider diabetics and other people who may need such products. Ultimately, this made her look thoughtless rather than the froyo company.

Lindsay Lohan Kidnapped Refugee Children

Lindsay Lohan
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We haven’t forgotten about this one, but it seems like everyone else has. In 2018, Lindsay Lohan posted a strange video of her approaching two children and adults, whom she says are Syrian refugees, and attempting to take one child with her.

She speaks in Arabic and defends Pakistan in strange ways that confused many. At the end of the video, the children’s mother hits Lindsay to get her child back. It’s an insane clip that left us with many questions.

It’s still unclear what happened here. 

Olivia Munn’s Sweet Potato Secret

Tales of the Walking Dead TV Series (2022)
Image Credit: Curtis Bonds Baker/AMC.

Olivia Munn is a stunning woman — all thanks to Japanese sweet potatoes. At least, that’s what she claims.

Back in 2017, Munn told The Cut her secret to looking young is eating a few Japanese sweet potatoes or Japanese root potatoes a day. However, many people on social media quickly called her out for lying, saying her drastic change in appearance was likely not due to potatoes.

This pop culture moment was more harmful than many realize. By crediting her plastic surgery beauty to potatoes, she perpetuates the impossible standards young women try to live up to when comparing themselves to Hollywood’s most beautiful women.

Neil Patrick Harris’ Amy Winehouse Corpse Cake 

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)
Image Credit: Katalin Vermes/Lionsgate.

Neil Patrick Harris is a beloved TV star and amazingly did not get canceled for this stunt in 2011. At a Halloween party, the actor served guests “The Corpse of Amy Winehouse,” a cake made to look like her dead body. It was gruesome, uncouth, and completely classless.

We’re not sure if it was supposed to be funny or what, but it was awful. Worse, no one seemed to care. This pop culture moment is especially puzzling because Neil Patrick Harris is one of America’s sweethearts, but this reveals his darker side.

It just goes to show that we never really know who these people are.

Jussie Smollett Staging an Assault

Jussie Smollett
Image Credit: Tinseltown/Shutterstock.

For a while, this incident — or lack thereof — was all anyone could talk about. Jussie said two masked men assaulted him, beating him while shouting homophobic and racial slurs. He also said they dumped bleach on him and looped a noose around his neck.

Well, turns out none of this happened; he was just angling for a salary raise from his show Empire. He pulled this stunt at the height of racial tension toward the end of 2021. It threw fuel on the fire and incited anger for no reason other than Jussie’s greed.

Jim Carrey Confessing His Love for Emma Stone 

Jim Carrey smiles on the red carpet
Image Credit: DFree / Shutterstock.

Jim Carrey made a strange video passionately pronouncing his love for Emma Stone. He called her beautiful, said he would marry her, and made peculiar remarks that confused and frightened people. Jim Carrey has always been eccentric, but this video showed an unsavory and unsettling side of him we’d like to never see again.

Listen, we love Emma Stone too, but this video was creepy. We also wonder how Emma Stone reacted to it, as she never publicly commented. While we appreciate another actor complimenting a Hollywood peer, he didn’t have to make this about his feelings. 

DJ Khaled’s Jet Ski Journey (2015)

DJ Khaled
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Poor DJ Khaled got lost on a jet ski and documented the experience via Snapchat. He was riding around when it got dark, and he couldn’t find his way home, posting video after video of his harrowing experience. These Snapchats were wildly dramatic which made the situation hilarious for those watching on social media.

It’s unclear how long he was out on the water, but he survived and came out the other side unharmed. Despite the drama on Snapchat, the DJ was likely never in real danger. The incident gives us a little insight into DJ Khaled’s behavior and mindset, which led fans to realize he might not be the boss he portrays himself as. 

Ariana Grande Licked Donuts

Ariana Grande
Image Credit: Tinseltown/Shutterstock.

Some people still bring up this PR fiasco, but Ariana Grande’s team has done a good job changing the subject. In 2015, the pop star went to a donut shop and showcased some weird behavior. She talked about hating America and licked several donuts on the counter, which she did not purchase.

It’s still bizarre to watch the video because her motives are unclear. She was rude to the workers in the store and seemed to think the whole ordeal was cheeky and funny. Today, looking at this behavior following a global pandemic, it seems more than rude. It feels destructive and dangerous, tainting our feelings for Ariana.

Fergie’s Weird National Anthem Rendition 

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This is one of our favorites! The talented Fergie sang the national anthem at an All-Star NBA game, but she put her own twist on the tune. People said she mutilated and botched the performance. Even the NBA players made puzzle faces throughout.

Hear us out; maybe she didn’t mess up. Maybe she just reinvented this iconic song. Fergie is an innovative and unique artist, so perhaps she didn’t go as off the rails as everyone thinks. She put her own spin on the anthem, albeit a weird spin. We have to give her credit for thinking outside the box, right?

Germany Confiscating Justin Bieber’s Monkey 

NEW YORK-SEP 10: Singer Justin Bieber (R) and Carson Daly on NBC's 'TODAY Show' at Rockefeller Plaza on September 10, 2015 in New York City.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Justin Bieber had his pet capuchin monkey confiscated at an airport in Munich, Germany, per The Guardian. He was in the country on tour but did not have the proper vaccination and import records for the animal. Officials placed the monkey in quarantine at a Munich animal shelter until Bieber could retrieve the monkey.

Sadly, the pop singer never bothered to reunite with his pet. While the confiscation may seem random and a little humorous, the fact Justin never put the effort in to retrieve his pet is disappointing. It seems like the monkey was just a funny accessory and not a beloved part of the family.

Kendall Jenner Ending Racism With Pepsi 

Kendall Jenner
Image Credit: BAKOUNINE/Shutterstock.

In 2017, during the height of the Black Lives Matter movement, Kendall Jenner starred in a controversial Pepsi commercial. In it, she hands a Pepsi to a police officer, seemingly diffusing the tensions between the cops and protestors.

The tone-deaf commercial was quickly pulled, and many forgot about it. But not us!

Pepsi’s attempt to capitalize on the racial tension in the US was shady. We might assume Kendall was simply a puppet in all of this, but her lack of awareness while making this commercial speaks volume about her mindset and priorities. 

The Selena Gomez-Hailey Bieber Eyebrow Feud 

Selena Gomez
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This feud was needlessly complicated and hardly noticed. Long story short, Selena posted about her new brow product, and Hailey Bieber and Kylie Jenner both made different posts mocking her eyebrows. All parties denied these rumors later, but many people clung to the hateful narrative. Hailey even received death threats over the incident.

It was one of the strangest and most short-lived celebrity feuds. The beef was something straight out of a middle school friend group, with the girls making sly and cryptic comments that many deciphered as being about Selena. The incident shows just how immature Hollywood stars can be.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s Red Carpet Acid Trip 

Matt Stone and Trey Parker 2015 Oscars
Image Credit: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone are just as insane as their show. The pair dropped acid, donned pretty evening gowns, and headed to the 72nd Academy Awards ceremony back in 2000, where they were nominated for Best Original Song.

They answered every question with one phrase: “It’s a magical night tonight.” It was hilariously weird and angered many other attendees. They said they originally wanted to go in flamboyant duck costumes but decided against it to avoid the risk of being ejected. Clearly, Trey and Matt’s eccentric and proactive approach to South Park extends beyond the writing room.

Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake’s Dance-Off 

Justin Timberlake, Aerosmith, Britney Spears at Super Bowl XXXV Halftime Show
Image Credit: CBS Sports.

To this day, people still talk about Justine Timberlake and Britney Spear’s tumultuous relationship in the spotlight. However, we don’t talk about their post-breakup dance-off enough. Supposedly, the two wound up at the same club one evening not long after their split. Hostile tension in the air broke out into an all-out dance battle between Justin and Britney.

According to some people who were there, the dance-off never actually happened. The jokes, videos, and drama that stemmed from the rumor were wildly funny, and we love remembering those simpler times.

As much as we wish the dance-off was real, the idea of it is still enjoyable. The story shows how easy it is for a whacky rumor to grab hold in the media and become a full-on pop culture moment.

Taylor Swift Hides in Suitcases 

Taylor Swift
Image Credit: marcen27, CC BY 2.0/Wiki Commons.

There is speculation that Taylor Swift travels around in a giant suitcase to avoid encounters with paparazzi. The suitcase in question appeared many times, including at her concerts, outside her recording studio, and in front of her homes. This is just a dumb rumor — or so we thought.

Zayn Malik of One Direction confirmed the rumor, sending Swifties into a tizzy over this hilarious anti-paparazzi tactic. For some reason, the idea of this iconic pop star squeezing into a suitcase to avoid attention and dodge the paps is some of the best Taylor Swift lore there is. We wonder if she still does it nowadays during the Eras Tour, especially since she’s more famous than ever.

​​Sean Penn (Allegedly) Kidnapped Madonna 

Image Credit: Denis Makarenko/Shutterstock.

Unlike others bizarre pop culture moments, this one is not funny. 

There were many longstanding rumors that, during the time they were married Sean Penn and Madonna had a volatile relationship. According to The Daily Mail, Madonna was hospitalized in June 1987 after Penn, bound, gagged, and beat her. Reports also state Madonna needed an x-ray of her skull due to Penn having taken a baseball bat to her head. 

It’s awful this incident is mostly forgotten, and Sean Penn definitely should’ve been canceled over it. This proves how much men in Hollywood can get away with, and how much women in Hollywood put up with.

Shia LaBeouf’s Motivational Video 

Shia LaBeouf A Man Named Scott
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Years ago, we all loved watching Shia LaBeouf play the cute, funny little brother on Disney’s Even Stevens. His reputation began to take a turn in the 2010’s, however, after a slew of his bizarre behaviors went viral. 

In 2015, the child actor posted a video in front of a green screen, encouraging people to “Just do it!” We’re unsure what “it” is, but he was passionate about sharing this message. The intense video was probably meant to be motivational, but most people found it humorous and strange. 

The Gangnam Style Craze 

Psy Kpop Perfomer
Image Credit: PSY Official Channel.

Was this just a fever dream we had, or do you remember this too?

The song “Gangnam Style” became an obsession for people in 2012. The upbeat, repetitive K-pop song seemed to mesmerize the internet, with people replicating the dance and using the tune in every imaginable way.

Sure, the song is a little catchy, but was this earworm good enough to warrant an international movement? To each their own! It’s fascinating to see how one unusual tune can take over the internet and become a global pop culture moment that almost everyone can speak about.

Jude Law’s Child Taking Ecstasy 

Jude Law
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We struggle to understand why a two-year-old would have access to ecstasy, but in 2002, Jude Law’s young daughter found a tablet on the floor during a child’s party being held at London’s Soho Club. The venue turns into a nightclub in the evenings and the drugs were allegedly from an event the night before. 

Luckily, the child was rushed to the hospital promptly and fully recovered. Still, this event was so strangely Hollywood. Hosting a child’s birthday party at a nightclub is not the norm for most of us, but Hollywood families are a different breed. 

Hilaria Baldwin Pretended to Be From Spain 

Hilaria Baldwin
Image Credit: lev radin/Shutterstock.

Hilaria always claimed to be Spanish and born in Mallorca, speaking with a heavy Spanish accent and not knowing certain English words. As it turns out, her name is actually Hilary and she was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts.

These unnecessary lies perplexed many people, and we’re still trying to figure out why this began in the first place. As the wife of such a famous actor, she knew someone would reveal the truth one day, right? It’s hard to believe she thought she could keep this facade up forever.

It’s troubling that she felt the need to concoct this lie about herself, as her true history is nothing unorthodox or shameful. Regardless, Baldwin’s origin story isn’t something that’s discussed anymore.  

Olivia Wilde Receiving Divorce Papers at CinemaCon 

Love The Coopers
Image Credit: CBS Films.

While discussing an upcoming project on stage at CinemaCon, Olivie Wilde was handed a mysterious envelope. It turned out to be child custody papers from her ex-fiance, Jason Sudeikis. This unusual moment had people online picking sides and bashing CinemaCon for allowing this to happen.

Ultimately, it seemed Jason did not intend to serve the papers that way, but the incident was still shocking and sad. It’s almost never pleasant to see a relationship fall apart, especially with children involved. To have that intensely depressing and difficult situation brought to light at a work event was also brutal for Olivia Wolde. Thankfully, no one talks about it anymore. 

Gal Gadot’s “Imagine” Video 

Wonder Woman
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

The only reason we made it through the COVID-19 lockdown was Gal Gadot’s star-studded rendition of John Lennon’s “Imagine,” right? The Wonder Woman actress posted a video of her and many other famous folks singing this track to inspire people during lockdown.

The video had a tone-deaf and peculiar vibe that did not sit well with most viewers. Many Hollywood stars — namely Ellen DeGeneres — made videos lamenting about being stuck inside their massive, luxurious homes due to COVID. This video captures the privileged and ignorant attitude many celebrities had during lockdown. Singing “Imagine” does not help people pay their bills, educate their children, or fight off a life-threatening virus.

Mexican Cartel’s Love for Lana Del Rey

How to disappear by Lana Del Rey
Image Credit: Polydor Limited.

Lana Del Rey’s impact knows no bounds. Apparently, some Mexican cartels were such big fans of the singer that they customized guns and bullets with her face. Lana often sings about peace and compassion in many of her songs, so making her the mascot for a cartel is… a baffling choice. 

We know this story lacks evidence, but a video of one of the guns exists. So, at least one person out there has a Lana Del Rey-themed gun; isn’t that one too many?

We can’t say for sure how many more Lana Del Rey-themed guns are out there, but we can say for sure that this is one of the weirdest and least talked about pop culture moments. Lana never commented, so it’s unclear is she was flattered or disgusted. 

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