Omarosa Secretly Recorded Staffers During Campaign and Trump Calls Her 'Dog' « $60 အံ့ဖွယ်အငွေကြေးကိုသည်ဖန်ဆင်းတော်မူသောဘုရားကို

Omarosa Secretly Recorded Staffers During Campaign and Trump Calls Her 'Dog'

Posted On Aug 14, 2018 By Abraham Lack With Comments Off on Omarosa Secretly Recorded Staffers During Campaign and Trump Calls Her 'Dog'

[[tmz:video id=”0_6hbfm4cb”]] Turns out Omarosa was secretly recording Trump and his staff long before he became Presidentand Trump is now going ham, calling hera crazed, crying lowlifeandthat dog.” “CBS This Morninggot the latest Omarosa


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