June Shannon: Selling Everything She Owns to Keep Geno From Leaving! « $60 奇迹摇钱树

June Shannon: Selling Everything She Owns to Keep Geno From Leaving!

Posted On Sep 15, 2019 经过 行政 评论关闭June Shannon: Selling Everything She Owns to Keep Geno From Leaving!

It doesn’t do much worse than choosing Geno Doak over her own daughters, but June Shannon continues to worry us all.

She and Geno are hosting an everything-must-go sale, and this isn’t some sort of affirmation deal.

She’s sold at her own furniture. Is June extending separate trying to appease Geno?

Geno Doak with June

We known that June and Geno’s home was a house of frights. We precisely didn’t know that it was this bad.

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Apparently, June is deeming a sort of garage sale inside of her home.

This means that she’s inviting strangers in so that she can sell off her miscellaneous belongings for quick cash.

This is a woman who was previously merit about$ 1 million. She’s been a reality star for years.

Now she’s sold at her own furniture really to make a quick buck. That is so profoundly worrisome.

June Shannon Looks Odd

TMZ got an eyewitness accounting of June’s home.

Parts of the chamber of representatives were enormous, empty spaces where clearly June had already parted with whatever was collected there.

Other specific areas of her dwelling were ogling much less bareand downright messy.

Visitors witnessed pilings of rubbish desegregated in with everyday implements like TV remotes and other electronics mingled in with a haunted-looking doll.

June listed items for sale exploiting tools like the Facebook marketplacewhere she offered up the home’s only remaining bed.

Geno Doak at Lunch

She must have been successful at pawning off her self-possessions, because June was ensure comprising a fat stack of cash.

All the while, she and Geno jogged nearly incomprehensibly on a number of topics, including a massage chair.

And then it gets even worse.

Apparently some eyewitnesses who entered the home attend needles and syringes strewn about the place.

As you may recall, June and Geno were arrested for crack cocaine in March of this year. Since then, June’s behavior has worsened considerably.

Geno Doak with Mama

It certainly appears that Mama June has croaked broke.

That would mean that she has blown through hundreds of thousands of dollars in a relatively short amount of time.

记 — she’s actively a reality star. New episodes of her display aired this year.

What exactly is the money for?

The best reaction might be for June to enter rehab or fix her divulge veneers.

The worst-case scenario, which too seems most likely to countless supporters, is that the cash is for pharmaceuticals to keep Geno happy.

Mama June Shannon Pic

June has been demonstrated, era and time again, that she is devoid of all reason when it comes to Geno.

When her family and loved ones staged policy interventions, she was pointed out that she has not been able to do any in-patient managements or stay anywhere overnight.

Audience were scratching their honchoes and wondering why she’d preferably risk her life than do that.

It was LaurynPumpkinShannon who clarified: June was afraid that if she couldn’t keep an eye on Geno, he’d cheat or straight up leave her.

No male is worth dying overGeno least of all.

June Shannon and Geno Doak Make Out

There is one silver lining to June’s apparent desperation to sell all that she owns to keep her alleged druggie sweetheart happy.

June will not be able to steal Alana’s money to fund her practice or her suitor.

Thankfully, June is legally prevented him from accessing those funds.

Alana is safely staying with her older sister, Pumpkin, who can access her fund merely is payable for herand must provide receipts.

June’s downward coiling is hurting her family more than anyone else. We hope that she gets cure soon.

june shannon View Slideshow: June Shannon: Living Out of Vile Hotel Rooms with Crazy BF Geno After Crack Arrest !?

Read more: feeds.thehollywoodgossip.com

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