Why I Quit Internet Marketing 2016 Update

Posted On May 14, 2019 By admin With Comments Off on Why I Quit Internet Marketing 2016 Update

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuQhktf45XA?rel=0&autoplay=1&w=580&h=385]


The following is the playlist to my former TV show “Comedy After Dark” that is mentioned in the video:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries?list=PLKUsue6uaKrnRiVkK9nGpqqCMIeilMIcM&w=800&h=450]

In October of 2015 I recorded and released a video where I announced I was leaving internet marketing and affiliate marketing behind. I was brutally honest in my opinions about this business.

Since then I received many private messages from people thanking me for doing the video. It really helped and gave an insight that many will not share.

This video is an update to that video. I have a different perspective on things and discovered a few things that could help you figure out how to be successful doing internet marketing work. I’ll also update you on what I’ve been up to since my last video.

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  • Covert Copy Traffic Pro OTO This plugin allows you to automatically insert links and text when people copy and paste or scrape your blog content. The Pro version includes the ability to use the plugin outside of WordPress.
  • AzonAuthority AzonAuthority is the premium authority store builder for Amazon that supercharges your commissions with a real ecommerce business you can be proud of…
  • Fast Funnel Builder “Fast Funnel Builder” is a brand new software (for Windows) that allows you to Build Responsive Mini Funnels For Any Niche with Just a few Clicks.

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