NEW YORK — More than 60 LinkedIn employees gathered in the company's office… « $60 Cud Money Maker

NEW YORKMore than 60 LinkedIn employees gathered in the company's office

Posted On May 20, 2018 By Fran Doolan Z Komentarze wyłączone NA NEW YORKMore than 60 LinkedIn employees gathered in the company's office

NEW YORKMore than 60 LinkedIn employees gathered in the company's offices here Thursday to listen to presentations from major executives, including CEO Jeff Weiner. So did their parents. Twentysomething workers lounged comfortably on bean bags with their moms and dads. One LinkedIn employee looked on without a cringe as her mother used the public forum portion of the day to explain that the site wasn’t doing much for heras a person in a creative field.Parents greeted their kids

Source by darrellellens

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