S. Kelly's Alleged Sex Slave Azriel Clary's Father Bashes Overseas Tour « $60 Money Kaihanga Miracle

S. Kelly's Alleged Sex Slave Azriel Clary's Father Bashes Overseas Tour

Posted On Feb 6, 2019 By admin With Comments Off on S. Kelly's Alleged Sex Slave Azriel Clary's Father Bashes Overseas Tour

R. Kelly

Overseas Tour is a Total Disgrace!!!

Azriel’s Dad Rips Countries

2/6/2019 12:50 AM PST


Angelo ClaryR. Kelly‘s international concerts are an act of desperation, and the countries allowing him to perform are spitting in the faces of alleged victims like Azriel Clary … according to her father.

Angelo Clary‘s 21-year-old daughter is one of the alleged sex slaves featured in “Surviving R. Kelly” … and he’s pissed Kelly will get to perform in Australia, New Zealand and Sri Lanka. He tells us promoters in those countries need to address why they are welcoming Kelly with open arms and, presumably, wallets.

Kelly announced his new King of R&B tour Tuesday … though, he didn’t share specific dates.

Angelo says there’s no excuse for supporting the singer in the wake of Lifetime’s scathing documentary. He’s taking personal offense to the tour, seeing as how Azriel’s still with Kelly and NOT in touch with her parents.

It’s interesting … Angelo thinks there’s a good chance his daughter and Joycelyn Savage will be highly visible during the tour, and Kelly will make sure they look good to paint a different image from the one in ‘Surviving.’

As you know, Azriel, Joycelyn and Dominique Gardner have been front row at Kelly shows in the past. Dominique has fled from Kelly, but Azriel and Joycelyn are still with him.

Bottom line for Angelo … #MuteRKelly should be a global movement.

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