Tisha Campbell Drops Restraining Order Against Duane Martin « $60 ミラクルマネーメーカー

Tisha Campbell Drops Restraining Order Against Duane Martin

Posted On Feb 14, 2019 による 管理者 コメントを受け付けていません の上 Tisha Campbell Drops Restraining Order Against Duane Martin

Tisha Campbell

Drops Restraining Order Against Ex

2/14/2019 2:12 PM PST


actorsTisha Campbell-Martin is cutting her estranged husband, Duane Martin, a huge break, but not for his sake … TMZ has learned.

Tisha and Duane were both in court Thursday for a hearing on her restraining order, and she told the judge she wanted to drop it in the name of co-parenting. Tisha said she’s still in fear of Duane, but for the sake of their kids wanted to make it easier for them to take care of them and attend activities.

She said they’ve agreed to give each other advance notice if they’re both going to any events for their 2 sons.

As we reported, Tisha previously got a temporary restraining order against Duane, after accusing him of physical abuse.

Court orders

She claimed he recently flew into a violent rage, and had been physically, emotionally and mentally abusive throughout their marriage. Duane is vehemently denying the allegations.

Tisha and Duane are still locked in a bitter divorce, with claims of bad parenting being fired off by both sides.


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